This weekend has just begun (already half over) and already its been amazing!
Last night DBF Matt told me he would be making dinner for me as long as I picked out what I wanted to have. Well, after much thought I couldn't decide on anything, so we just decided to get some takeout chinese. We were both tired after a long work day. DBF especially as he had to drive to North Carolina and back in one day for his work to pick up some parts for a work truck. We also decided to make it a movie night and stopped by the movie gallery and picked up a couple movies.
After watching "Law Abiding Citizen" and enjoying our chinese food, it was still early so we were settled in to watch some TV. Matt went into the kitchen and I was happily plugging away on my facebook when he walked back in with a wrapped gift. Mindful that it was neither a holiday or a birthday or anniversary I asked what it was for and he said "I just wanted to do something nice for you". Aww, what a sweetie! So, I immediately unwrapped the silver paper and inside was a photo book! Going through the book were photos of us and things that we had done together in the almost four years we have been together. It was so wonderful, thoughtful and sweet I was practically in tears. The surprise came at the end of the book when the last pages was taped to the back cover of the book. I eventually got the page untaped and attached to the back cover was an envelope, I was thinking "oh how nice, a card!". So, I get the envelope open and inside was a small gauzey drawstring bag with A RING! A beautiful and gorgeous engagement ring! Matt then got down one knee and popped the question! It was so perfect and exciting!

Back cover of photo book
Beautiful Ring!
(and no, this picture does not do it justice!)
The ring is so beautiful and it is so special. Matt told me the center stone is actually the stone that his stepdad gave to his mom when they were married. Matts stepfather, Jeff, passed away from cancer four years ago and he is missed everyday, so it is very special to me that his mom trusted me with something that was so important to her and her husband.
So after a few tears and shrieks of joy, I could not wait to tell everyone! Matt made a quick call to his mom and then we were off to tell my mom, who was not home because she is currently in Tennessee helping my grandfather move, but I was able to reach both her and my grandmother on the phone. Then we were over at a friends celebrating and sharing the news. It was such a great night and I am so excited to bask in the glow of engagement and the eventual planning of our wedding.
Today we did some shopping and I found two swimsuits for our trip to Jamaica so I am ready to go! The time is getting close and we are so ready for a bit of a break from the hubbub and the cold weather around here!
On the craft front, a friend of mine showed me some very cute crochet hook organizers she found on etsy and I thought to myself "I could totally do that!". And yes, I say this to myself often and yet never make any of those things, but this was different. I was determined to make one for myself and see how I successful I was. So after about two hours going back and forth between my ironing board and my sewing machine I have this!

I think it was very successful for my first attempt! I know what I will do differently the next time and how to improve the overall design.
Well, hope everyone is also having a great weekend! Off to use some of those crochet hooks!